Inside Out Kingdom Bringing Outsiders In

Inside Out Kingdom Bringing Outsiders In

Passage: Mark 7:1-30
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Bible Text: Mark 7:1-30 | Preacher: Vic Stander | Series: The Gospel of Mark | We are a people addicted to appearances. On the one hand, there is some logic behind it; cleaning ourselves up for an occasion shows our respect for the place and people who receive us. On the other hand, if we are simply a collection of our external actions and attitudes we will quickly miss the point.

In chapter seven of the Gospel according to Mark, Jesus confronts the religious leaders of the day, the Pharisees. The Pharisees loved cleaning – washing hands, pots and pans, and couches! – following rules and adding more rules to follow. But they are missing it. It then no small irony the interaction Jesus will have an “unclean” woman beyond the borders of Israel.


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